Saturday, October 6, 2007

First entry - reasons

Well why have I signed up for this. Even I am not sure... up until about last night I wasn't really sure what a blog was let alone what I would want with one. Then I went to Anne's blog. She's a natural writer - I envy her ability to express herself so well.

So there I was reading her blog and went to bed thinking no more of it - woke up this morning with every intention of doing nothing more than vegging in front of the TV as Saturday mornings generally go but instead I was thinking about what I would write if I had a blog. I wanted the opportunity to express what I thought. Generally I want to write about the books that I have read - hence the title. I read a lot but never really stop to think much about the books that I have read. This means that I often can't remember the titles and authors which annoys me greatly so I have decided to do something about it.

In all probability this is just going to be for me and no one will actually read it but that's okay.

If you have happened to come across my blog - leave a comment and let me know. How did you find me? - what were you actually looking for? - Did you eventually find what you set out to find?

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Hi - and welcome to blog-land! I haven't been at it very long myself, but it does become rather addictive (both writing one's own and reading everyone else's, especially as the latter list grows by the day!). Thanks so much for the link to mine - I noticed that I was getting some hits from your site so I popped over to investigate! You're bookmarked now, so I will be back on a daily basis and very much look forward to your future posts.