Saturday, October 20, 2007

School reading

I started this blog thinking that I would be able to write thoughts about what I was up to in life... I just hadn't figured life would get in the way so much. Over a week has past since I last posted.

I have now finished Pride and Prejudice. It's a lovely book. But why have I never read it before? You would have thought this would have been a good book to read at school. But no... Why do schools insist in introducing children to books that are going to alienate them from reading? As a child I had enough going against me with regards to reading. M and big bro read loads and where now that means I get to borrow from the big bro library, as a child it put me off. There was nothing worse than struggling through a book, trying to work out the words and meanings only to have big bro finish it in half the time and understand more of it.

Now big bro is only big bro by 16 months so this is not because I was too little, it is just our reading styles. He skim reads, gets the meanings and the impressions behind the words. I on the other hand have to read and absorb every single word to understand the meanings. Missing one out means starting the whole sentence or paragraph again. This could be very frustrating as a child. Mind you, I had the edge on vocalising my thoughts though, equally frustrating for big bro who liked to think things through before saying them. While he was thinking about his next sentence I would interrupt.. and frequently got belted by big bro for it!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's a question of faith

The Big Bro library includes DVDs. Tonights veiwing was supposed to be a nice, easy, non-thought provoking choice. Now, my mistake, I thought my choice was perfect - who would have thought that Billy Connolly was a theologian and not a comic!

"The man who sued God" - now I admit it may not have been the deepest films that I have ever watched - but it does make you think. The idea that insurance companies would hide behind the get out clause of 'act of God' - who'd o'thought it?!

As the film progressed I was wondering about the outcome and how the writers would resolve the dilema. If the film successfully showed that God was responsible for 'acts of God' then wouldn't scores of people start sueing the Churches. Everyone would have jumped on the bandwagon. However, on the flip side - what film of this type of genre could actually end with the main character losing? Now the film was Australian made so I guess may not have had the same pressure as a Hollywood blockbuster to have a happy ending - but even so... well I'm not going to say in case someone wanted to see the film but despite not being a Hollywood blockbuster everything was neatly wrapped up in a little over an hour and a half.

There were some valid points made in the film. If God exists and Priests are Gods representatives on earth then are they not to be held responsible? Should they therefore pay out when the insurance companies do not? It's not as if the Churches are bankrupt, and are they not supposed to give to the needy? Or will the Churches fall back of their get out clause - 'God moves in mysterious ways'.

Could 'God' be legitimately sued for all the pain and suffering that are caused by God's acts? If so - could God then legitimately expect payment in return for all the happiness that an individual receives in their life? What price would be put on those first moments of happiness as a child? A piggy-back ride? A surprise treat?

Does the cost vary depending on the amount of effort that goes in to achieve it? If you get full marks in a school test that you really worked for does that cost more becuase of the increased satisfaction of knowing you did well than if you sailed through without effort? Or does the fact that you sailed through mean that God gave you the gift to help you so therefore you owe more?

The lawyers defending the churches in the film realise that the only way the churches can win is by admiting that God does not exist. The definition of 'Atheism' on the net brings references like 'the belief that God does not exist'. Towards the end of the film a Rabbi says "It's a question of faith - either you believe He doesn't exist or you don't." It's an interesting thought - atheism is as much a question of faith as any other religion or belief system. Then again maybe God is just leading Atheists along a different path.

Who know's? I certainly don't and that is enough depth for tonight. Back to pride and Prejudice - I might actually finish it soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Books to come

I've just been to the Big Bro library - I don't know what I would do without him (possibly have to buy my own books). I get the best of both worlds with Big Bro - he decides what I should read so no decisions needed and then I tell him if I liked it or not. I also get to borrow DVDs from him at the same time - Big Bro does not have the same aversion to spending that has afflicted me!

So books to come include some Dean Koontz who I have read a few books of already and a couple of new series the Big Bro has recommended that I try.

I will keep you posted but in the meantime I will go back to Pride and Prejudice.

I hope Sunday is going well for everyone.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hannah Hauxwell

Well, here the reason that I started the blog in the first place. I have just finished the second Hannah Hauxwell book.

These were Grans' books. I had never heard of Hannah Hauxwell before I got the books from Gran.

She seems like a true Northern country woman. Not afraid of hard work, in touch with the reality of her situation and not about to let 'fluff' mix up her ideas of what is the right and proper way to approach a situation.

The first book I read 'Seasons of my life' was great. I could barely put it down. Surprising for me as I don't normally read biography type books - that's more m's thing than mine.

The way that Hannah comes across in the book though is just how people have described first meeting her - she is a natural conversationalist. The book feels real. It expresses both the bleakness and the beauty of the dales. The feeling that time has stood still in that part of the world is apparent in the way Hannah expresses herself.

The second book 'Daughter of the Dales' I did not find as enjoyable and was in fact quite pleased to have finished it - although I seem to have run out of books that are appealing for me to read them - I think a visit to the Big Bro library is on the cards - roll on some fantasy novel!

'Daughter of the Dales' had less of Hannah in - there was more recollections of other people from the area who knew Hannah or her family. Hannah has also moved so the beauty of Low Birk Hatt farm was not as apparent.

I loved the history of the old ways of life that was apparent in both books - it brings back memories of why I wanted to study history in the first place.


I was looking at some other blogs and came across designtoinspire which has some great pictures. I would love to have a house like some of the ones featured. Unfortunately the reality is a staircase that has only just got painted and has been without carpet for 4 years.

This is all mainly to do with me being a skin-flint and a true Gemini and therefore totally incapable of making a decision in case I make the wrong one.

Strangely I am able to make major life changing decisions at the drop of a hat - going to Uni, where to live at Uni, buying a house - small decisions however - what to have for dinner, should I spend 30p on a chocolate bar these I can agonise over!!

The carpet kind of fits neatly between these two extremes. I will make a decision one day - but in the mean time I'll continue to look at blogs like desire to inspire and wish I could live that kind of minimalist life style - unfortunately I inherited the hording gene from the AP's so it's not likely in this lifetime!

Lovely Pic

I love this picture - one day I will get round to buying artwork for my house - but first I think carpet on the stairs is more of a priority.

A Location Location Location episode had an artist on and they showed some of his pictures. I liked them so much that I emailed the gallery - unheard of for me. They sent me a link to their website and some pictures.

This one is by Amanda Fisk called Blue Haze - it makes me think of those early mornings in Yorkshire where Big Bro and I have just left the caravan for the morning walk with D and M is left behind to tidy and start breakfast. I loved those times... of course that was before Heartbeat changed the village we went to forever.

I still love those mornings but it tends to be a tent rather than a caravan and the Lakes rather than the Moors.

Christmas Picture

I know it is nowhere near Christmas yet but I came across this picture as I was looking for one to post and it was a good time for me when this was taken so I thought - why not?

Christmas for me should not be thought about until after bonfire night... how can you enjoy bonfire night if you are already looking towards December?

How I hate the fact that it is only just October and already the shops have Christmas items in. What's even worse is that it means I do start to get excited even though I don't want to - I can't help it - I Love Christmas.

Why? Because it was great for me - I was one of those lucky ones - I had a great childhood. The AP's were good to me and apart from when we hated each other I got on great with Big Bro. Christmas always makes me revert to childhood and the happy memories I have from then.

So have fun and if you have to think about Christmas let it all be happy sparkling thoughts!

First entry - reasons

Well why have I signed up for this. Even I am not sure... up until about last night I wasn't really sure what a blog was let alone what I would want with one. Then I went to Anne's blog. She's a natural writer - I envy her ability to express herself so well.

So there I was reading her blog and went to bed thinking no more of it - woke up this morning with every intention of doing nothing more than vegging in front of the TV as Saturday mornings generally go but instead I was thinking about what I would write if I had a blog. I wanted the opportunity to express what I thought. Generally I want to write about the books that I have read - hence the title. I read a lot but never really stop to think much about the books that I have read. This means that I often can't remember the titles and authors which annoys me greatly so I have decided to do something about it.

In all probability this is just going to be for me and no one will actually read it but that's okay.

If you have happened to come across my blog - leave a comment and let me know. How did you find me? - what were you actually looking for? - Did you eventually find what you set out to find?