Saturday, October 6, 2007


I was looking at some other blogs and came across designtoinspire which has some great pictures. I would love to have a house like some of the ones featured. Unfortunately the reality is a staircase that has only just got painted and has been without carpet for 4 years.

This is all mainly to do with me being a skin-flint and a true Gemini and therefore totally incapable of making a decision in case I make the wrong one.

Strangely I am able to make major life changing decisions at the drop of a hat - going to Uni, where to live at Uni, buying a house - small decisions however - what to have for dinner, should I spend 30p on a chocolate bar these I can agonise over!!

The carpet kind of fits neatly between these two extremes. I will make a decision one day - but in the mean time I'll continue to look at blogs like desire to inspire and wish I could live that kind of minimalist life style - unfortunately I inherited the hording gene from the AP's so it's not likely in this lifetime!

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